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Presidential Game

Privacy Policy

The following “Privacy Policy” (hereinafter also referred to as the “Policy”) for Presidential Game, together with our Disclaimer and Terms of Use (incorporated herein), collectively apply to your use of this site and the programs, services, and software it provides. Access to the Policy is available to all users via an obvious and unambiguous link in the footer of each and every page of this site and, therefore, incorporates them all. Presidential Game values your continued patronage and is committed to respecting your privacy rights by taking all necessary steps and measures to adequately protect them. It is for this reason we have created this Privacy Policy to inform you how we collect, manage, and use your personal information as part of the normal operation of this website. This Privacy Policy is governed by our Terms of Use, either of which may be updated periodically. Being that any such changes to either document take immediate effect, it is the user’s responsibility to review these instruments thoroughly and often in order to be informed of their current controlling contents and features.

Important Note Concerning Minors

This site is not marketed to or intended for minors or anyone lacking the legal capacity to participate in online Gaming Betting  activities. Anyone under 18 years of age is strictly forbidden from using this site or its services. Accordingly, age-identifying information is not collected on this site, nor do we knowingly gather any personal information from visitors under 18 years old.

Types of Personal Information Collected and the Reasons therefore

Data collected from users visiting and/or utilizing this site can be classified as either non-personal or personal information.

Non-Personal Information and Use

General information automatically gathered about you and your activities that does not identify you personally via your visitation or usage of this site may include:

  • The type of computer you are using to access the internet.
  • The capabilities, features, and functionality of that computer.
  • The general geographic location where that computer is located.
  • The unique server or domain identifier for the internet connection.
  • The particular date and time you are accessing the website.
  • Your movement and activity sequence within the website.
  • Various other related, non-personal technical information.

User movement and activity within the site, including pages viewed, time spent on specific pages, generalized browsing habits, typical traffic tendencies, click preferences or selections, bounce rates, etc., is collected and stored chiefly for research, analysis and further development. This certain collection of data is all information routinely communicated either by the web browser or your software to the host website whenever you connect to the internet. It is unidentified and nonidentifiable, meaning it is not possible to identify the user from any of the information listed above. Its fundamental purpose is to gather statistics and generate reports about user utilization whenever they visit Presidential Game for internal use in order to assist in our tireless efforts to continually design and redesign the site for improved functionality and a better user experience.

Personal Information and Use

Whereas non-personal information is gathered and utilized to make visiting this website more appealing and useful to the general public, personal information is focused on meeting particularized user needs. It’s data disclosing various aspects related to your unique individual identity, voluntarily provided by you – the user – to either Presidential Game or closely affiliated third parties by which you have previously sought or are currently seeking a more personalized service experience. The information retrieved and maintained disclosing your personal identity or identifying characteristics and contact information includes:

  • Your birth name and/or username.
  • Your email and/or website address.
  • Your physical home street address.
  • Your home and/or mobile phone number.
  • Other voluntarily-provided personal information and preferences.

Personal user data may be securely stored and used for various reasons and in such manners as follows, but will not be sold or disclosed in any way, at any time, to third parties of any sort. Permissible reasons for which this information may be used include such legitimate interests as: Contacting you – communicating with or responding to users to update them on pertinent site information, to fulfill subscription obligations, to advise of affiliate/partner products or service deals/bonuses or other info, or in response to user-submitted queries or requests for support. Publication – if users have expressly provided prior permission to use their name or likeness. Records retention – every recordable user-to-site interaction is necessarily recorded and saved, including all means of correspondence. User preferences – information provided directly by the user’s express indications regarding interests in certain gaming, sports, and entertainment options, as well as site operations. Internal tracking – via the use of IP addresses, cookies, and other standard technologies.

Policy Acceptance, Amendments, and Updates

Visiting or using this site in any manner constitutes user acceptance of this Policy. Presidential Game reserves the right to change, modify, or amend this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice and, once published, such changes, modifications, and amendments are directly applicable and take immediate effect. It is the user’s responsibility to periodically check and review this Policy for updates.